Table of contents


In order to be able to describe the EPP policy errors or other errors, system notifications have been added as an EPP extension.

These contain the detailed system code, the error, the level and if applicable, the X-Path.

messages / message@codestringSystem code
messages / message@levelenum

System notification level

  • FATAL, displayes a critical error when for example invalid XML was used.
  • ERROR displays an error.
  • WARNING, displays a warning for example when the domain status could not be changed due to the OCVAL not being completed.
  • INFO, displays an information related to the current request.
messages / message / textstringDetailed localized system notification text.
messages / message / argumentstringFreely defined text or respectively the value of the variable.
messages / message / argument@typestringOptional path or more specific data type description.

XML example

	<domainrobot:messages xmlns:domainrobot="urn:org:domainrobot:ns:ext-1.0">
		<domainrobot:message code="EF011305" level="ERROR">
			<domainrobot:text>For this domain an AuthInfo already exists.</domainrobot:text>
		<domainrobot:message code="EF01000" level="ERROR">
			<domainrobot:text>Missing or wrong value.</domainrobot:text>
			<domainrobot:argument type="contact/id">sh8013</domainrobot:argument>