GenericStatus Enum

Page Not Found

The page you were trying to reach could not be found: it may have been renamed or moved to another space, or the name you requested may be incomplete.

In This Space

The page you were looking for may have been renamed to the following:

  • Page: Generic status enum (API (JSON/XML))
    Description General Status. Used by different objects. The meaning of the values depends on the respective object. Possible values PENDING = Action running SUCCESS = Action completed successfully FAILED = Action failed NOT_SET = Action not set

In Other Spaces

The page you were looking for may have moved to another space:

  • Page: GenericStatus Enum (API (JSON/XML))
    Beschreibung Allgemeiner Status. Wird von verschiedenen Objekten benutzt. Die Bedeutung der Werte hängt von den jeweiligen Objekt ab....