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The verification process for a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) is very complex and extensive. In this document, we would like to describe the individual steps performed by the Certificate Authority (CA) DigiCert before the certificate can be issued.
Unlike regular TLS/SSL certificates, for which any employee can be specified as the contact person for verification, an authorized signatory from the company MUST be specified as the contact person. This person must complete all verification steps.
Checklist VMC
In addition, please check that the following is complete and correct BEFORE placing your order:
- Company listing in commercial register
- Company telephone directory listing
- Logo trademark registered at one of the eligible trademark offices.
You can find the latest list at DigiCert.
- SPF record in the DNS
- DMARC record in the DNS
- Logo in .SVG format
Overview of the individual verification steps
Domain validation
- regular verification of domain ownership per email, file auth or DNS auth (token for DNS and file is issued afterwards)
Organization validation on EV basis
- Verification of commercial register listing
- Verification of telephone number using telephone directory listing
- Verification via telephone to check employment relationship and authority of the contact person specified in the order
Verification by phone of contact and order
- Telephone call to the person specified in the order
Verification of the trademark entry
- using the registration number at the selected trademark office (observe opposition period!)
- If color is part of the trademark entry, the VMC must be applied for with the corresponding color/s. Deviation is not permitted.
Personal identification of the contact person
- using an official document with a photo. The following documents are accepted:
- personal identity document (ID)
- passport
- driver’s license
- must be certified by a notary
- using an official document with a photo. The following documents are accepted:
Validation can take place via different means. You can select your preferred validation means from the options A or B below.Notarization
- The notary is selected by DigiCert. In Germany, for example, the selection is based on the information portal of the Federal Chamber of Notaries at and direct enquiry at the notary by phone.
- The contact MUST appear in person at the notary and is responsible for making the appointment.
- To this end, the contact will receive an Attestation Letter from DigiCert along with the details of the selected notary.
- After the appointment, the notary sends the notarized Attestation Letter to DigiCert per email. The DigiCert upload option can currently only be used in the USA.
- The DigiCert Verification Team contacts the notary by phone or email to validate the signature.
The costs for the notary are covered by DigiCert.
The notarial verification is valid for 10 years. Therefore, there is no need to carry it out again at the time of the renewal.
Video call with the DigiCert verification team
- The video call can be conducted via Skype, Google Meet, Ring Central, Zoom, etc.
- The call will entail the following:
- Request to hold your ID up to the camera
- Deep fake check with hand and identification document
- The serial number of the document
- The Verification Team will make screenshots during the entire validation process
- Total length of call: 2 to 3 minutes
For the renewal/reissue of the VMC, the entire validation process must be carried out again.
The certificate is issued
After all the previously listed verification steps have been completed successfully, the certificate is issued.