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Name Suggestion Service based on Versigns API.



Authentication is done via HTTP Basic-Auth.

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP StatusDescription
200 - OKEverything's ok.
400 - Bad RequestSomething went wrong. Check Response Message Tag
401 - UnauthorizedAuthentication Issues
403 - ForbiddenNo access to resource.
429 - Too Many RequestLimit reached. Limit is 60 Request /s
500 - Internal Server ErrorInternal error. Please contact us and provide details of the query.
501 - Not ImplementedThe feature is not implemented
502 - Bad GatewayAPI server error. Please contact us and provide details of the query.


Response and Request must be: application/json.


The request limit is 60 requests per second.


suggest (main)

The suggest endpoint delivers a turn-key solution for generating relevant and effective suggestions for domain name queries. It combines keyword segmentation, related suggestions, creative, name-shortening suggestions and more.

Additionally, optional parameters can be used for further customization, such as specifying the inclusion or exclusion of numbers or hyphens, as well as the ability to enable or disable IDN results.

Allowed Keys
  • name
  • tlds
  • lang
  • ip-address
  • lat-lng
  • use-numbers
  • use-idns
  • use-dashes
  • sensitive-content-filter
  • include-registered
  • max-length
  • max-results
  • include-suggestion-type
  • use-whoisproxy


This endpoint ranks TLDs for a given input domain name based on relevance, popularity (based on TLD zone size) or geography.

Allowed Keys
  • name
  • tlds
  • lang
  • ip-address
  • lat-lng
  • max-results
  • include-registered
  • sort-order
  • use-whoisproxy


This endpoint generates domain names from personal names (first-name, middle-names, last-name).

Allowed Keys
  • first-name
  • last-name
  • tlds
  • middle-name
  • spin-first-name
  • lang
  • use-numbers
  • use-idns
  • use-dashes,
  • sensitive-content-filter
  • max-length
  • max-results
  • include-registered
  • use-whoisproxy

add-prefix / add-suffix

The /add-prefix and /add-suffix endpoints provide relevant affix (both syntactically and semantically) suggestions for domain names.

Allowed Keys
  • name
  • tlds
  • lang
  • vocabulary
  • use-numbers
  • use-idns
  • use-dashes
  • sensitive-content-filter
  • include-registered
  • max-length
  • max-results
  • use-whoisproxy


This endpoint finds syntactically and semantically relevant alternatives for one word within the input domain and replaces that word to give new suggested domain names.

Allowed Keys
  • name
  • tlds
  • lang
  • position
  • similarity
  • use-numbers
  • use-idns
  • sensitive-content-filter
  • include-registered
  • max-length
  • max-results
  • use-whoisproxy


The /bulk-check endpoint performs bulk availability checks for supported TLDs with a single query.

Allowed Keys
  • names
  • tlds
  • include-registered


Parameter nameTypeDefault valueDescription
nameString (Unicode or Punycode)requiredSeed domain name. If the seed domain name includes a TLD (e.g. seeddomain.example), then that TLD will also be used for suggestions. See the tlds parameter for more info.
namesArray list of strings (Unicode or Punycode)required

List of domain names (sld only or sld.tld).

The maximum is 1000, if you use use-whoisproxy its reduced to 100.

tldsList of strings (Unicode or Punycode)com,net

List of TLDs to use for suggestions and availability checks. Defaults to .com and .net if none are specified. If one or more TLDs are specified in the tlds parameter, only those TLDs will be used.

Use the string “@all” as a value to return all supported TLDs. Use “@checked” to return all the TLDs that are checked for availability.

If the name parameter includes a TLD, then that TLD will also be used for suggestions and availability checks.

langStringengLanguage of the names (used for normalization).
ip-addressStringoptionalInclude suggestions based on the approximate geolocation of the provided IP address.
lat-lngComma Separated Double ValuesoptionalInclude suggestions based on the approximate geolocation of the latitude and longitude parameter. Geolocation, in the format: latitude,longitude Valid latitude values: -90.0 to 90.0 Valid longitude values: -180.0 to 180.0 E.g., lat-lng=51.50,-0.126
use-numbersBooleantrueAlso generate suggestions containing numbers.
use-idnsBooleantrueReturn IDNs or use ASCII only (names will be normalized according to the lang).

Also generate suggestions containing dashes.

When “true”, suggestions will include dashes. When “false”, suggestions will exclude dashes. When “null”, suggestions will include dashes if name contains dashes.

sensitive-content- filterBooleanfalseFilter sensitive content from the results.
include-registeredBooleanfalseInclude registered domain names in the results.
max-lengthInteger between 2 and 6363Maximum length of the SLDs to return.

Maximum number of results to return.

Value between 1 and 100


  • suggest-personal-names, maximum is 200 and default is 50
  • rank-tlds, maximum is 2000 and default is 100

include-suggestion-typeBooleanfalseInclude type of algorithms used to generate the suggested SLD and TLD.
vocabularyArray list of strings (Unicode or Punycode)

“@prefixes“ (/add-prefix)


“@suffixes” (/add-suffix)

Vocabulary to use when picking the affixes. Can be empty (i.e use every word in the language), or a list of custom words (max. 2000), or references to predefined lists ("@prefixes", "@suffixes" are predefined popular affix lists). Note that several lists and words can be mixed (e.g.: "computer, services, @prefixes, mouse, dragon, @suffixes, tips").
positionInteger with a value between 0 and the number of words in the input less 1all positionsPosition of the word for selective word suggestion starting with “0” for the first word.
similarityDouble with a value between 0.00 and 1.000.60The higher this value, the closer the alternate words will be to the original word.
first-nameString (Unicode or Punycode)
First name.
middle-namesArray list of strings (Unicode or Punycode)optionalList of middle names.
last-nameString (Unicode or Punycode)
Last name.
sort-orderStringrelevanceOrder by relevance / popularity (based on TLD zone size) / geographic

Check availability via InterNetX WhoisProxy for unsupported Domains, see @checked in parameter tlds.

The max Results are then reduced to 100.

Using use-whoisproxy can have an effect on max-results. Results are filtered after the Verisign API generates the results.

Availability Check

Every endpoint returning domain name suggestions will include an availability status for each domain. The availability check is not authoritative and should be used for informational purposes only. Additionally, a /bulk-check endpoint has been introduced to perform a large number (max 1000 domain names) of availability checks with a single query.

Availability checks are currently offered in Verisign-operated TLDs and other select TLDs. Availability checks in non-Verisign-operated TLDs are subject to change. For TLDs for which we do not provide availability checks, the API response will have the status “unknown.”

As Post filter you have to possibility to check this results via InterNetX WhoisProxy to get more accurate results. You only need to set the Flag use-whoisproxy.

The max Results are then reduced to 100

Query Example with CURL

cat request.json | curl -X POST --user 'user:password'  -H 'Content-type: application/json' '' --data-binary @-

JSON Example

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