Table of Contents


The Domainrobot API offers different possibilities of authentication. Depending on the selected API, the following authentication options are available:


  • Credentials (user/context/password)
  • SessionID
  • TrustedApp

XML only:

  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • SingleSignOn authentication


Authentication via credentials (username/password/context)

Authentication with the AutoDNS user name and your AutoDNS context. You must define the password yourself.

User ($user) and password ($password) are specified as Basic Auth. The context is specified here via the header X-Domainrobot-Context.

Note the context numbers. Context "1" refers to the demo system, context "4" or the PersonalAutoDNS context number, the live system.

Example Http-Header :

You have to pass the following http header for the username "user", the password "password" and the context "4":

  • Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
  • X-Domainrobot-Context: 4

More information about Basic Auth can be found at :

Authentication via Trusted App

For this type of authentication, the data of the Trusted App ($uuid:$password) must be specified as Basic Auth.

Authentication via SessionID

Authentication via a session is only recommended if an "automatic session timeout" is required for the API implementation. We always recommend to use Authentication via Credentials (username/password/context).


The session to be used for authentication must first be created with a AuthSessionCreate request.

After a successful login, the system returns the user data in the response. Depending on the query parameters selected, additional user data is output. The SessionID is returned in the header.

Set-Cookie: domainrobot_session=$sessionID; Path=/;Max-Age=599;secure;httponly

SessionID as cookie/header

The SessionID returned at login is now available for further orders. It can be used in the orders in the header (X-Domainrobot-SessionId) or as a cookie.

X-Domainrobot-SessionId: $sessionID


The current working session can be terminated via the GET /logout route.


Authentication via credentials (Username/Password/Context)

Note the context numbers. Context "1" refers to the demo system, context "4" or the PersonalAutoDNS context number, the live system.

Authentication with the AutoDNS user name and your AutoDNS context. You must define the password yourself. It is entered in the auth block in the <password> tag.


Authentication via Trusted Application

A "Trusted Application" is an application that you have created in AutoDNS as trustworthy.

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Authentication with SessionID

Authentication via a session is only recommended if an "automatic session timeout" is required for the API implementation. We always recommend to use Authentication via Credentials (username/password/context).

Starting the working session - login

You create the AutoDNS SessionID with an AuthSessionCreate request.

The AutoDNS SessionID is a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) with which you authenticate yourself for the duration of a working session. The auth_session block replaces the auth block.

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Ending the working session - logout

You end the working session with an AuthSessionDelete request.

Authentication via two-factor authentication (2FA)

With the 2FA, a six-digit numerical code, the so-called token, must be entered in addition to the user name and password.

Create Token

The token is generated using the time-based One-time Password Algorithm (RFC 6238).

Use Token

The token is entered in the auth block in the <token< tag.
