Contact extensions


The contact type describes the contact's connection to Ireland, which makes it eligible for domain registration. 

  • COM = Company - for Irish companies with CRO number
  • OTH = Other - if the owner is a person or an organization.
 ie_supporting_number0 -1string

Irish owners

  • Use Contact extension for .ie.
    For the keyword  ie_contact_type   (XML) or ieContactType (JSON) use the value OTH.
    For the keyword ie_supporting_number (XML ) or ieSupportingNumber (JSON) use the Irish RBN.

Non-Irish owners:

Alternative to the above two options:

  • Do not include extensions and send the required evidence in paper form to the registry.

XML example

	<ie:contact xmlns:it="urn:org:domainrobot:ns:contact:ie-1.0">